Maximize Your Listings: Smart Strategies for Marketing Real Estate on Social Media


Unlock the potential of marketing real estate on social media with our comprehensive guide. We cut straight to the chase, providing you with concrete examples and straightforward tips for engaging your audience on each platform.

From crafting compelling content to optimizing ad spend, learn everything you need to escalate your social media prowess and turn listings into closed deals.

Key Takeaways

  • Maximize real estate exposure and engagement on social media by curating valuable content, utilizing multiple platforms, and tailoring strategies to specific audience demographics.

  • Adopt various content formats, including videos, live streams, and interactive posts, to showcase properties, demonstrate industry expertise, and foster trust and community presence.

  • Regularly analyze social media performance metrics to adjust strategies for increased engagement and conversion, employing tools like Facebook Analytics and Google Analytics for deeper insights.

The Power of Social Media in Real Estate Marketing

Social media has unlocked a treasure trove of opportunities for real estate agents. Agents can leverage social media to remind past clients about their services and establish connections with new ones, positioning it as a key marketing platform for realtors. And it’s not just about broadcasting listings. It’s about creating and nurturing relationships.

Regular updates and interaction with past clients keep agents top-of-mind, building a sense of community and trust. Plus, the ability to instantly respond to home buyers’ questions and concerns facilitates smoother interactions and meaningful conversations, potentially generating leads.

The rise of virtual showings amid COVID-19 and the shift towards prioritizing video marketing has made social media platforms an integral part of the evolving real estate marketing landscape.

The Growing Role of Social Media in Real Estate

With over 3.78 billion people using social media globally, the potential reach for real estate agents on a social media platform is undeniable. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram are used extensively for business, with 89% of agents using Facebook and 59% using Instagram. These platforms offer a free marketing avenue that allows agents to exponentially increase exposure for their listings across diverse demographics and geographies.

Social media, however, is not solely about exposure but also serves as a critical tool for engagement. 57% of Realtors use social media to maintain relationships with their clients, positioning themselves as authorities, and building trust in the community.

Beyond advertising listings, an effective social media content strategy also involves providing value through addressing common buyer and seller questions, signaling trust, and demonstrating expertise to potential clients.

The Benefits of Social Media for Real Estate Agents

Real estate agents can reap numerous benefits from social media, including:

  • Significant increases in exposure of their listings

  • Reach to a broader audience

  • Targeted advertising to effectively reach specific local audiences, optimizing the promotion of their listings.

The versatility of multimedia content is another advantage. Agents can utilize a variety of content types, such as images, videos, and live streams, to attractively present properties and demonstrate their industry expertise.

With the right strategy, every post becomes an opportunity to connect with potential clients and showcase the agent’s real estate knowledge.

Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms for Your Real Estate Business

Any real estate business must choose the right social media platforms, a decision that should be guided by the target audience and specific marketing goals. While each platform offers unique advantages, the most important ones for real estate marketing include:

  • Facebook: diverse network and targeting tools

  • Instagram: visual platform for showcasing properties

  • YouTube: video content to showcase properties and provide valuable information

  • TikTok: short, engaging videos to reach a younger audience

  • Pinterest: visual platform for inspiration and showcasing properties

  • LinkedIn: professional networking and connecting with potential clients

  • Twitter/X: reaching a substantial millennial user base

Each platform caters to a different demographic and serves different functions. It’s important to choose the platforms that align with your target audience and marketing goals.

Identifying the target audience and aligning it with the most fitting social media channels can significantly enhance the connection with potential clients and achieve desired marketing outcomes.

Facebook: Engaging with a Diverse Audience

Facebook offers a unique platform for real estate agents to connect with a diverse audience, generate leads, and nurture their sphere of influence. Its targeted advertising capabilities, tailored for specific geographic locations, coupled with remarketing and budget customization options, provide a high return on investment for real estate professionals.

Effective Facebook marketing entails:

  • Sharing 3D property tours

  • Utilizing various post types for brand building

  • Including detailed contact information in professional ad carousels

  • Demonstrating local expertise and community involvement by highlighting local businesses and promoting the lifestyle of the town

These strategies can significantly boost engagement.

Instagram: Showcasing Properties Visually

Instagram, with its photo and video-based content formats, is the perfect platform for showcasing properties, especially aspirational ones like luxury homes and beach getaways. Instagram Reels – short, engaging videos – and Stories, which allow agents to share more personal and immediate content, are both effective tools for capturing audience attention and humanizing the brand.

Beyond just photos, creative content such as slideshows, ad carousels, and before-and-after images can highlight the transformation process of properties and tease future developments, drawing in potential customers. Maximizing features like geo-targeting and utilizing insights into the best posting times for Reels can be instrumental for targeting specific demographics and geographic areas.

LinkedIn: Building Professional Connections

LinkedIn is the go-to platform for real estate agents seeking to:

  • Enlarge their professional network through connections with peers and national association members

  • Share knowledge

  • Advance professionally

It’s an excellent platform for leveraging connections for referrals, which expands influence and enhances lead generation opportunities.

LinkedIn also allows professionals to showcase their real estate expertise and celebrate their professional accomplishments, with recommendations from connections serving as valuable testimonials. The platform’s 2.74% visitor-to-lead conversion ratio outperforms other social media platforms, signifying a stark advantage in lead generation.

With its professionally oriented content landscape, maintaining updated and professional profiles on LinkedIn can appeal to a prime audience for real estate marketing.

Twitter/X: Staying Informed and Sharing Insights

Twitter/X is a valuable tool for real estate agents to:

  • Stay informed and share insights

  • Engage with their audience using multimedia content, strategic retweeting, and real-time conversations

  • Partner with local news outlets or event organizers to share local news or events, positioning themselves as valuable sources for community updates on Twitter.

Twitter is a real-time platform where new, trending topics can be a goldmine for realtors to initiate conversations and create an engaged community. It’s about more than just pushing out content; it’s about listening, responding, and engaging with the audience.

YouTube and TikTok: Embracing Video Content

In the world of real estate marketing, video content is king. It creates a significant emotional bond with potential buyers and provides a greater sense of the property’s look and feel compared to static images.

YouTube, with its capability for longer-form videos, offers a prime opportunity for in-depth property tours and virtual open houses.

TikTok, on the other hand, supports content discovery and appeals to a growing market with its demand for engaging and frequent content. The platform provides a stage for showcasing properties in brief, attention-catching videos that align with current trends.

By employing the strengths of both platforms, real estate professionals can maximize their reach and create compelling video content that resonates with potential clients.

Crafting a Winning Real Estate Social Media Strategy

To craft a winning real estate social media strategy, several key elements should be considered:

  1. Consistency

  2. Planning

  3. Authenticity

  4. Personal branding

  5. Leveraging hashtags, location tags, and engagement

Each of these elements plays a crucial role in connecting with the audience, building relationships, and ultimately driving business growth.

Consistency and Planning

A consistent posting schedule is crucial for building and retaining a dedicated social media following. Real estate agents should aim to post two to three times per week on platforms where their target market is most active, tailoring the frequency to the platform and audience expectations.

Planning content in advance using a social media calendar simplifies the process of scheduling posts and ensures a consistent online presence with a mix of content types.

Some social media management platforms and specific scheduling tools that can help real estate agents plan their social media content dissemination in advance include:

  • Hootsuite

  • Buffer

  • Planoly

  • Tailwind

  • Later

  • Facebook’s built-in scheduling option

Authenticity and Personal Branding

In today’s social media landscape, authenticity and personal branding are fundamental. Sharing authentic content helps form a personal connection with clients, which is vital for business success.

Social media helps highlight the unique qualities and personality of real estate agents, building trust and relationships with clients.

Introducing team members’ professional backgrounds and personal interests humanizes the real estate firm and fosters trust with clients. Agents can also share behind-the-scenes experiences, community involvement, and personal insights to establish a deeper engagement with followers.

Coupled with a mix of ‘Just Sold’ posts, property transformations, and home tips, agents can effectively differentiate themselves and educate potential clients.

Leveraging Hashtags, Location Tags, and Engagement

Posts’ visibility and reach can be significantly enhanced through strategic use of hashtags and location tags. Tools like WhattheTrend,, and Hashtagify can help find industry-relevant hashtags for real estate posts.

Using specific real estate hashtags increases the likelihood that users will find the listings or agents in their area.

Location tags add an extra layer of visibility, guiding users to real estate agencies, open house events, and enhancing the professional appearance of the business online. Engaging with the audience on social media helps build relationships that may lead to nurturing potential clients.

Fostering a sense of community through social media engagement is crucial for long-term connections with followers and potential clients. Managing your social media accounts effectively can help achieve this goal as part of your social media marketing strategy.

Creative Content Ideas for Real Estate Social Media Marketing

To stand out in the crowded social media landscape, real estate agents need to think outside the box when it comes to content. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • Share behind-the-scenes insights

  • Create educational content

  • Provide market updates

  • Collaborate with local businesses and influencers

By incorporating these strategies, you can ensure a steady stream of appealing and diverse content that engages followers and drives engagement.

Behind-the-Scenes Insights

Behind-the-scenes content is a powerful way to personalize the brand and reflect the person behind the professional title. By sharing insights into property visits, client meetings, and the daily life of a real estate agent, professionals can offer an honest perspective to potential clients.

In addition, here are some ways to humanize your real estate firm and foster trust with clients:

  • Introduce team members’ professional backgrounds and personal interests through social media content

  • Offer insights into local communities, highlighting the unique aspects of neighborhoods

  • Provide valuable market knowledge to your audience

These strategies will help create a more personal and trustworthy connection with your clients.

Educational Content and Market Updates

Educational content and market updates are a valuable resource for potential clients. By educating potential clients about real estate through social media, agents can help them become more informed, leading to smoother transactions and establishing themselves as trusted resources.

Sharing comprehensive listing details and educational posts on platforms like YouTube can build familiarity and trust with potential clients. Posting industry and market news shows that agents are well-informed, establishing their authority and building trust with followers.

By providing neighborhood insights and mixing content with local events and attractions, agents can demonstrate their in-depth knowledge of their area.

Collaborations and Partnerships

Collaborations and partnerships provide a unique opportunity to broaden reach and engage the community. Creating polls or quizzes in collaboration with local businesses can engage potential clients who provide contact information in return for results, offering deeper insights into audience preferences.

Regular giveaways organized with local businesses can broaden reach and empower mutual promotion across social media platforms. Featuring local businesses in social media posts, including interviews or spotlights on their services, can enhance local engagement and provide cross-promotion opportunities.

Collaborating with local experts and influencers to share specialized content can further increase reach and demonstrate a real estate agent’s involvement in the community.

Measuring Success: Tracking Your Real Estate Social Media Performance

Measuring performance is crucial for the success of any real estate social media strategy. By tracking key metrics like:

  • engagement

  • reach

  • impressions

  • conversions

Real estate professionals can gain valuable insights into their audience’s preferences and adjust their strategies to boost engagement and return on investment.

Key Metrics to Monitor

Valuable insights into content performance and audience preferences can be gleaned from key metrics such as:

  • Likes

  • Comments

  • Shares

  • Click-through rates (CTR)

In addition, reach and impressions give insights into the visibility of content, and tracking follower growth rate helps evaluate the effectiveness of social media strategies for brand reach expansion.

Conversion rate tracking is another vital metric that assesses the percentage of users who take desired actions, like filling out contact forms or requesting information. This indicates the overall effectiveness of social media strategies in driving real sales outcomes.

Analyzing Data and Adjusting Strategies

To adjust and improve content strategies, it is crucial to analyze data collected from social media metrics. Real estate professionals can leverage the following tools for comprehensive insights into ad performance, engagement, and conversion rates:

  • Facebook’s free analytics

  • Hootsuite

  • Sprout Social

  • Google Analytics

By engaging with their audience and getting feedback through social media, real estate professionals can fine-tune their content to align with customer interests.

Regularly evaluating what content performs best through monthly and quarterly monitoring can help identify and phase out strategies that do not yield desired results, enabling the adoption of a data-driven approach to social media marketing.


In conclusion, the power of social media in real estate marketing cannot be overstated. With its ability to reach a vast audience, build relationships, and showcase properties, social media has transformed the way real estate agents operate.

Whether it’s Facebook’s diverse audience, Instagram’s visual appeal, LinkedIn’s professional networking, Twitter’s real-time updates, or YouTube and TikTok’s engaging video content, each platform offers unique opportunities for real estate marketing. However, the key to success lies in crafting a winning strategy that focuses on consistency, authenticity, personal branding, and engagement, while continuously monitoring performance and adjusting strategies based on data-driven insights.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does social media marketing work for real estate?

Yes, social media marketing works for real estate by helping to engage with prospects, showcase expertise, and build relationships with potential buyers. It is an essential tool for increasing sales and positioning yourself as an industry authority.

What is the best social media platform to market real estate?

The best social media platform to market real estate is Facebook. It is currently the dominant platform, especially among home-buyers and sellers, making it a great place to nurture and generate leads.

How do realtors post on social media?

To maximize the reach of new listings, realtors should share them multiple times on social media with photos, key details, and a link to the listing. Don't overthink the posts and remember that not everyone in your audience will see them every time.

How often should a realtor post on social media?

You don't need to post every day to see results. Determine a posting schedule that works for you and stay consistent for a month, then adjust based on audience engagement.

Why is social media important in real estate marketing?

Social media is important in real estate marketing because it allows agents to reach a wide audience, build relationships, and showcase properties, ultimately generating potential leads.


Written with assistance from our staff robot.